
The New Functions of Windows Phone8

The Windows Phone SDK preview allows us has a better understanding of Microsoft's best windows phones. The SDK includes a simulator that can access the Windows Phone 8 new features.

The new version of the beginning screen can change the size of active tiles allow users to customize the Start screen. Developer Summit in June, Microsoft Windows Phone 8 supports custom colors, but now it seems that the user only in the Settings menu select it provides a number of theme colors - There are approximately 20 bell available.

In addition to custom colors and start screen, here are two new features Microsoft hasn’t introduced. The first is the Data Sense (traffic monitoring) - one allows you to monitor Windows Phone 8 traffic usage of the built-in applications. Use it for the first time will ask you to set restrictions on the types of each, monthly or indefinitely also can be set to the reset date. We can also see the Data Sense can detect how much traffic. You can also nail it to the start screen, traffic is about to reach the limit it will be released to remind.

The second new feature is the data cloud backup. Microsoft has built-in Windows Phone 8 powerful backup capabilities, allowing users to applications, settings, and SMS data backup to the cloud. The images are automatically uploaded to SkyDrive is still there, now you can also upload video to the cloud.

The vast majority of the Application Center has been updated. Built-in map provided by Nokia, and supports offline download maps. In Internet Explorer address bar buttons now can be changed - This should be a lot of Windows Phone users would like to see, Xbox, and music / video center has also been updated user interface that closely matched with SmartGlass theme, or even direct access to the used to replace the Zune Xbox Music store.

The photos and the camera also been updated. Photo Center allows you to select multiple pictures to share, or delete operation, here are some editing options let you crop, rotate, or repair photos. As for the camera, Microsoft's new add Lenses feature, developers can add functionality to the need to use the camera. Now we can only test Bing Vision features, but here there is a link that lets you get more Lenses, so the future should have great use.

Now because it is no internal support for the simulator, even a Microsoft account can not test all the functions in the SDK. Microsoft apparently has plans to improve the many new features not yet announced officially. As for the more specific situation can only wait for Microsoft released Windows Phone 8 SDK officially, as well as the formal launch of Windows Phone.

